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Calling all mystery lovers, restless travelers, faith-ponderers, tree-lovers, dog-fanciers, foodeners, and any of y’all who enjoy being in a community of friendly folks. Hop aboard to get access to Mystery, Memoir, & Meaning, a newsletter about a quest, a restless mind, and a novel. By subscribing to my newsletter you will receive essays that are my attempts at general meaning-making, news about any upcoming publications, updates on my memoir, Chasing Light: One Van, Two Dogs, and an Ex-Pastor’s Search for the Divine, for which I’m currently querying agents, and latest chapters from my mystery novel-in-progress, Dead Ringer. Paying subscribers will have access to The Treehouse: Conversations About God and accompanying chats.
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Each new edition of MM & M will be delivered directly to your inbox, landing with a softly pleasing “whump” and stirring up sparkly bits of email dust.
Mostly free, but also…
Most content will remain free, although I welcome patronage subscribers who feel my efforts are worth financially supporting. Even though writing is a creative act that brings great joy (most days, LOL/sob), it is also my livelihood.
Access to The Treehouse will be available only to paying subscribers.
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